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Dr. Ara Elmajian has worked as a holistic dental practitioner in Vancouver, Canada since 1975 encompassing biocompatible dentistry with complementary methods of medicine.  Over the years he has developed a multidisciplinary approach to treating chronic pain and illness, which includes biocompatible dentistry, temporomandibular joint therapy, myofascial trigger point therapy, neural therapy, prolotherapy and full mouth reconstructive prosthetic dentistry when necessary. He has studied with many great mentors, such as Dr. Janet Travell and utilizes his own unique combination of treatment modalities while taking into consideration an individual’s perpetuating factors. This is his key to successfully addressing the complex situation of treating chronic pain.

Ara Elmajian, DDS

Dr. Klinghardt studied medicine (1969-1975) and psychology (1975-1979) in Freiburg, Germany, completing his PhD on the involvement of the autonomic nervous system in autoimmune disorders. Since the 1970s, Dr. Klinghardt has contributed significantly to the understanding of metal toxicity and its connection with chronic infections, illness and pain. He is considered an authority on this subject and has been instrumental in advancing various fields within biological medicine – non-invasive pain management, injection techniques for pain and orthopaedic dysfunction, anti-ageing medicine, toxicology, paediatrics (neuro-developmental disorders), energy psychology, biological dentistry, and others. He has also developed Autonomic Response Testing, a comprehensive diagnostic system that has helped many practitioners to become accomplished holistic physicians.

Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His experiments, and that of other leading edge scientists, have examined in great detail the processes by which cells receive information. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Lipton’s profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology. Dr Lipton’s work summarizing his findings in his book, entitled The Biology of Belief. His new book, Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here.

Bruce H. Lipton, PHD

American psychiatrist, a brain disorder specialist, director of the Amen Clinics, and a ten-times New York Times bestselling author. 

Amen's clinics specialize in the use of brain imaging equipment (single photon emission computed tomography SPECT) in diagnosing psychiatric disorders. Amen is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He has also been an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and human behaviour in the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine.

Daniel G. Amen, MD

Dr Elizabeth Inda-Lambaer is board certified dentist in the state of California currently working in the field of regenerative medicine and anti-aging. As both a doctor and patient, Dr. Elizabeth offers a very unique perspective on the subject of chronic pain. 

As a professional athlete and professional dancer, Dr. Elizabeth counts on her physical body to function at peak performance.  After a car accident sidelined her physical activities, she sought the help of various practitioners such as orthopedic surgeons and chiropractors to no avail. 

Dr. Elizabeth’s relief came in the form of an extraordinary multi-disciplinary healer.  The story of her journey to recovery is one of hope and inspiration. As a doctor, health and wellness speaker, teacher and author of the book, “Skinny Dipping in the Fountain of Youth,” Dr. Elizabeth works with clients around the world.  Her approach is holistic and her belief is that emotional and mental pain is as real as physical pain and factors into the diagnostic and healing process.

Those aspects often dove tail and contribute to the challenges faced by patients.  Dr. Elizabeth takes into account all of these factors when assisting her patients in achieving vitality, health and wellness. Her work encompasses energy healing as well as various other healing modalities. 

Dr. Elizabeth also incorporates nutrition, movement and energy healing into her work with her clients and patients.

Elizabeth A. Lambaer, DDS

Brandy Gillmore is a motivational speaker, author, and Mind/Body & Energy Expert.

Brandy’s expertise in self-healing originated from a devastating injury, when she found herself somewhere she never thought she’d be — spending most of her days in bed, on morphine and yet in extreme pain.

This ability has provided her with a unique insight into healing and helping people achieve results at record-breaking speeds. She states: “When we rewire our thoughts, we transform our health and our lives.”

Brandy Gillmore, PHD


For the past three decades, Dr. Donny Epstein has been at the forefront of global wellness development.  He is the founder and developer of Somato Respiratory Integration and Network Spinal Analysis, both revolutionary modalities promoting enhanced well-being, as well as the developer of Reorganizational Healing and an Emerging Energetic based discipline. He has authored books, serves on several boards, most notably on the science board of the Angelicum Center in Milan, which is a think-tank of world visionaries, and academians dedicated to helping advance human dignity, compassion and respect in these troubled times. For those seeking revolutionary and practical means of advancing their human condition, Dr. Donny Epstein has been considered for three decades to be one of the true visionaries of growth and human potential. Donny is a founding Board member of the ARHP.

Donny Epstein, DC

In private practice in Calgary, Canada since 2001, Dr. Scholten is a Fellow and Board Certified Diplomate in Chiropractic Craniocervical Junction Procedures and holds a post-baccalaureate Graduate Certificate in Pain Management. The Clinic Director and Owner of the Vital Posture™ Clinic, Dr. Scholten is the current President of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). Selected as the Upper Cervical Chiropractor of the Year in 2015, Dr. Scholten is a published researcher. Dr. Scholten regularly lectures and consults on clinical anatomy, diagnostic imaging, research, the management of craniocervical spinal disorders, strategic planning, office management, associate programs, and interdisciplinary care tactics. He has organized a number of conferences dedicated to collaboratively exploring the contemporary practice of chiropractic.

Jeffrey N Scholten, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP, BSc, PgCPain

For more than 40 years, Dr. Michael Klaper has served as a physician, consultant and educator to thousands of clients and patients around the world on their journey to reclaiming health and optimizing well-being.

Dr. Klaper graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago (1972), served a medical internship at Vancouver General Hospital in British Columbia, Canada with additional training in surgery, anesthesiology, and orthopedics at the University of British Columbia Hospitals in Vancouver and in obstetrics at the University of California Hospitals in San Francisco. In addition to his clinical practice and private consultations with patients, Dr. Klaper is a passionate and devoted educator of physicians and other healthcare professionals about the importance of nutrition in clinical practice.

Michael Klaper, MD

Dr. Thompson is the Founder/Director of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research in Carlsbad, California, a research center which is actualizing its vision of “Healing the Body*Heart*Mind and Spirit through the Scientific Application of Sound.” Dr. Thompson is considered the world’s premier sound healing researcher, brainwave entrainment expert, and high-tech personal transformation innovator, motivator and futurist. He is a physician/ musician, composer, inventor, educator and author. His work addresses harmony between the body/mind/spirit and is clinically proven to foster deep personal wellness and expansion of consciousness. Certified in multiple healthcare modalities, Dr. Thompson draws people nationally and internationally to his clinical practice and to his cutting-edge auditory, kinesthetic and visual therapeutic products and services.

Jeffrey Thompson, D.C., B.F.A., C.N.S.T.

Neal Barnard is an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C., president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and founder of Barnard Medical Center.

As president of the Physicians Committee, Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. He hosts four PBS television programs on nutrition and health and is frequently called on by news programs to discuss issues related to nutrition and research.

Originally from Fargo, N.D., Dr. Barnard received his medical degree at the George Washington University School of Medicine and completed his residency at the same institution. He practiced at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York before returning to Washington to found the Physicians Committee.

Neal Barnard, M.D., F.A.C.C.

As a group leader at the world famous Esalen Institute since 1979, Wowza teaches, Natural Genius, The Sacred Actor, Emotional Fitness, and Ageless Vitality. A transformational speaker, at age 81, Wowza shares how she busted loose of the aging game. A short list of her presentations includes Expressive Arts Therapy at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland; Song Talk, The First and Future Language at the Sound Healing Conference; A Quantum Physiology of Consciousness at the Sequoia Symposium for physicists presenting their work on the quantum field; and Embody the Brilliance-The Physiology of Leadership at the Social Research Corporation in Japan and Skyros Institute in Greece. For the last ten years, she has taught Women's Empowerment, Expressive Arts for Performing Artists and Gestalt Therapy in Mainland China.

Elisa "Wowza" Lodge

Dr. Kettner is Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiology at Logan University. He has served on the faculty since 1980 and in 1984 was appointed Chair. Dr. Kettner was elected president of the American Chiropractic College of Radiology in 1991. He has served as a grant reviewer for the NIH/NCCAM Special Emphasis Panel in Basic Science. Dr. Kettner is a reviewer for many journals including the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Pain, Journal of Pain, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, and is an editorial board member in the musculoskeletal section of Pain Medicine. He has lectured on complementary and alternative health care to audiences including Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine and the Walter Reed Army Hospital.


In addition to his training and expertise as a clinical radiologist, Dr. Kettner’s research interests include advanced brain imaging techniques to explore the neural mechanisms underlying chronic pain and the brain responses to acupuncture and spinal manipulation. To carry out this work, Dr. Kettner developed a research collaboration with the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging of Massachusetts General Hospital, the largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. Over the course of his career, he has authored over 100 papers and 10 textbook chapters.

Norman W Kettner DC,


Dr. Richard G. Barwell, D.C. comes from a varied background, the experiences of which created a need to understand the relationship between stress, human performance, health and disease. He was in Chiropractic clinical practice for 32 years. During this time he became interested in the interaction between Chiropractic and brain function.  Following active practice, along with two Psychologists, he spent 3 years gathering pre and post Chiropractic care EEG studies. Dr. Barwell and his team published the first research paper to show a relationship between the adjustment and brain function. He then developed instrumentation which measures the effect of stressors and Chiropractic in restoring brain function balance. He has since become an international lecturer and author of “Why You Get Sick and How Your Brain Can Fix it.”

Richard G. Barwell, D.C.

Beth Darnall, PhD, is a pain psychologist, clinical scientist, and clinical professor at Stanford University. As a principal investigator, her pain psychology research portfolio includes over $13 million in research awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). She holds leadership roles within the American Academy of Pain Medicine, the International Association for the Study of Pain, and the American Pain Society. She has served on multiple national clinical guidelines committees related to best practices in pain care.

As a pain psychologist, she has 15 years experience treating adults with chronic pain, and she lived through her own chronic pain experience. She enjoys helping individuals with chronic pain gain control over mind and body and live their best life possible.

As Co-Chair of the Pain Psychology Task Force at the American Academy of Pain Medicine she led the development of national behavioral medicine workshops for interdisciplinary chronic pain clinicians. She is the author of 3 books:  “Less Pain, Fewer Pills: Avoid the dangers of prescription opioids and gain control over chronic pain” ©2014, “The Opioid-Free Pain Relief Kit” ©2016, “Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain: The evidence-based basics” ©2018 (American Psychological Association Press).

Beth Darnall, PhD

Dr. Terry R. Yochum is a second-generation chiropractor and a cum laude graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, where he subsequently completed his radiology specialty. He is a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity (1967). He is a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology and served as its Vice-President and President for seven years (1983-1990).

He is also currently Director of the Rocky Mountain Chiropratic  Radiological Center in Denver, Colorado, and an Adjunct Professor of Radiology at the Southern California University of Health Sciences (formerly LACC).

Terry R. Yochum, DC, DACBR

Christian Limoges, ND, DN

Christian Limoges - respected Naturopath with over 35 years of experience and service - is committed to helping, educating, and coaching people the principles necessary in enabling their body's natural abilities to self-heal. Inspired since childhood by the close relationship the indigenous people have with nature, and following in the same philosophy and approach as Hippocrates - the Father of modern Medicine - Christian Limoges draws all the necessary ingredients to formulate his plant-based medicinal supplements and protocols, specifically designed to symbiotically work with the human body.

He studied alongside renown Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Richard Schulze and Dr. Robert Morses, completed studies at the Hippocrates institution in Florida and is a member of the Association of Naturopathic Therapists Quebec (ATNQ). Christian Limoges also holds Doctorate in Naturopathy from L’Academie des sciences, arts et recherches de Montréal. He is also Chairman and Founder of Natural Medicine Clinic l’Aube as well as his namesake educational institution College Naturopathy  Christian Limoges (CNCL) in Montreal, Quebec. He is also founder of holistic products Actumus and Zokür.

Christian Limoges advocates that we are not what we eat, we are what we digest and eliminate. As a first step to coaching people, he addresses the topic of detoxing from a physiological and natural perspective, focusing the cause of a problem and on human cell-health and introduces them to an integrative approach to cleansing, that is easy to understand and implement into their lives.

Learn why and how good health starts with having a healthy colon and discover how integrative

detoxing is redefining health care.

Michael is the president and co-founder of Commonweal. His principal work at Commonweal is with the Cancer Help Program, Healing Circles, Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies, the Collaborative on Health and the Environment, and The New School at Commonweal. He was the recipient of a MacArthur Prize Fellowship for contributions to public health in 1983 and is author of Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Therapies (MIT Press).

Born in 1943 in New York City,  Michael received a B.A. from Harvard University in 1965 and a Ph.D. in political science from Yale University in 1971. He taught political science and psychology at Yale before moving to Bolinas in 1972. He co-founded Full Circle, a residential center for children with learning and behavior disorders in 1973. In 1976, he co-founded Commonweal. 

Michael Lerner, PHD

Anadi Martel is cofounder of SENSORTECH. Having been interested in electronics since an early age, he continued his studies in physics during which time he became interested in light. It was in India that he discovered its beneficial effects, especially through its capacity to generate states of consciousness which are found in meditation.

Anadi Martel is a physicist and electronics designer, who has acted as a consultant for IMAX, Cirque du Soleil, and the Metropolitan Opera of New York. For more than 40 years he has researched the therapeutic properties of light and the interaction between technology and consciousness, leading to the creation of the Sensora multisensorial system. His sound spatialization devices have been used around the world, including by NASA. He serves as President of the International Light Association (ILA).
Anadi Martel is the author of the book The Power of Light which was published in Paris by Éditions Trédaniel in 2016. The English version will be available in 2018.

Anadi Martel, PHYSICIST

Lissa Coffey is a lifestyle and relationship expert and best selling author. She is the world renowned expert on Ayurveda and Relationships.

Her best-selling book "What's Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic way for Compatibility in Life and Love" is the only book ever published on Ayurveda and Relationships, and it has been translated
into five languages.

Lissa Coffey has appeared on national television and has lectured worldwide on the subject of Ayurveda and Relationships.

In 2005 she was awarded a commendation from Los Angeles Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa for "Outstanding Contribution to the Yoga Community and is a certified instructor with The Chopra Center.

She has had ten books published. Her most recent book is "Bhakti: 
108 Prayers of Devotion"

Lissa Coffey, AUTHOR

Joe Cross is an Australian entrepreneurauthor, filmmaker, and wellness advocate. He is most known for his documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead in which he tells the story of his 60-day juice fast. He is the founder and CEO of Reboot with Joe, a health and lifestyle brand.

Joe Cross, JUICING


Ethan Russo, MD

Ethan Russo is a board-certified neurologist, psychopharmacology researcher, and Director of Research and Development at International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute. He is also the Medical Director of PHYTECS, a biotechnology company researching and developing innovative approaches targeting the human Endocannabinoid system. Previously, from 2003-2014, he served as Senior Medical Advisor and study physician to GW Pharmaceuticals for numerous Phase I-III clinical trials of Sativex® for pain and MS, and initial studies of Epidiolex® for intractable epilepsy. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (Psychology) and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, before residencies in Pediatrics in Phoenix, Arizona and in Child/Adult Neurology at the University of Washington. He was a clinical neurologist in Missoula, Montana for 20 years. He has held faculty appointments in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Montana, in Medicine at the University of Washington, and as visiting professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a Past-President of the International Cannabinoid Research Society, and former Chairman of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines. He serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for the American Botanical Council. He has published several books, numerous book chapters, and over forty articles in neurology, pain management, cannabis, and ethnobotany. He has consulted or lectured on these topics in more than 30 US states and 30 countries.

Dr Aggarwal is one of the most effective medical cannabis proponents few people outside the Seattle area have ever heard of. It was Aggarwal’s research, dissertation, and the two articles derived from it and published in the Journal of Opioid Management that helped convince the American Medical Association (AMA) of the potential for medical uses of cannabis and led the organization to reverse previous policy and call for the rescheduling of cannabis so that more research could be conducted upon it. Dr Aggarwal also holds degrees in chemistry, philosophy and religious studies and is a much-sought-after speaker at medical, drug policy reform and other conferences and conventions.

Sunil Kumar Aggarwal, PHD, MD

Dr. Christine Schaffner is a board certified Naturopathic physician who graduated from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.  Prior to Bastyr, she completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Dr. Schaffner is passionate about practicing medicine and creating healing spaces.  She is the Clinic Director of Sophia Health Institute; the clinic she co-created with her mentor Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt in Woodinville, Washington.  She actively sees patients at Sophia Health Institute and through her practices Marin Naturopathic Medicine in California, as well as Bella Fiore Organic Med Spa & Klinik in Seattle, Washington.

With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic illness wherever they may be.

Christine Schaffner, ND

Dr. Grant Pagdin graduated from UBC medical school in 1988.

He served for three years as a Flight Surgeon on an F-18 squadron with the Canadian Air Force, and then settled into family practice in Vernon, BC, and is Canadian board-certified in Family Medicine (CCFP).

He later specialized in Emergency Medicine and worked for a few years in Upstate New York.

Relocating to Kelowna in 2005, his primary interest now is Preventative and Anti-Aging Medicine Services, providing comprehensive wellness consulting, and he is board-certified with the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM). He has just completed a fellowship in Stem Cell Medicine with the University of South Florida. In addition he is a Clinical Instructor with the UBCO Medical School and assists in the operating rooms at Kelowna General Hospital.

Grant Pagdin, MD

Michael Bentley is graduated from Stanford University and the University of British Columbia and is the President of SierraSil Health Inc. His company produces SierraSil(R), a pure natural mineral complex from volcanic deposits in the US Sierras. His products have become leaders in Canadian NHF retailers and pharmacies (for natural relief of aches and stiffness). In November 2009 SierraSil was awarded a US Patent as a Nutritional Supplement for Osteoarthritis.

Michael Bentley


He has been involved in the groundbreaking research on migraine headaches. 

NUCCA care has had a positive impact on a variety of types of headaches, including migraines. Recent research done at The Britannia Clinic has validated our clinical experience in terms of measuring favorable patient reported outcomes. Our research is also helping to reveal the physiological mechanism behind the quality of life changes experienced by many of our patients following NUCCA care.


Improved venous outflow as a result of the NUCCA intervention may also contribute to a reduction in the inflammatory response and the detoxification of the brain through a system known as glymphatics.

Gordin Hasick, DC

Allen has more than 40 years of experience within the health care industry. During his 11 years at GE Medical, he led the then-new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) service business. Allen’s strategy helped create a $400m per year revenue business with 80% market share and 70% margins within two years after product introduction. Allen was Vice President of Global sales and marketing for Imatron, Inc. a public company where he returned 25X to investors in less than four years and stewarded the company through the initial stages of its acquisition by GE Medical for $200M. BSEE, (cum laude) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Terre Haute, Indiana; MBA, San Jose State University.
The Team at CVAC Systems, Inc. has raised more than $20m in investment and is enjoying rapidly increasing revenues from the CVAC Systems being manufactured in California and sold Internationally.
The paramount nature of the joy of The CVAC Team is based on improving human lives. Nothing is more important to this dedicated CVAC Team.

Allen Ruszkowisc

Emeran Mayer was born in a small town in Bavaria where his family ran a Confectionary business since 1873. After deciding against taking over the family business, he finished Medical School at the Ludwig Maximilian’s University in Munich, completed his residency training at the Vancouver General Hospital in Vancouver, Canada before moving to Los Angeles.

There he worked under the late John H. Walsh to study the role of gut brain interactions at the prestigious Center for Ulcer Research and Education and completed his specialty training in Gastroenterology at UCLA.

Mayer is a world renowned gastroenterologist and neuroscientist with 35 years of experience in the study of clinical and neurobiological aspects of how the digestive system and the nervous system interact in health and disease.

His research has been continuously supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He has published over 320 peer reviewed scientific articles, including 100 chapters and reviews, co-edited four books, and organized several interdisciplinary symposia in the area of mind body interactions and chronic visceral pain.


Emeran Mayer, MD, PHD

Salimeh Tabrizi, is a Clinical Counselor, Success Coach and Plant Medicine Advocate and Educator. She is inspired by the co-evolutionary process between humans and Entheogenic plants such as Cannabis, Ayahuasca, and San Pedro. She believes that humanity is at a pivotal point and has a chance and choice to step into self-healing, self-empowerment and responsibility for environmental stewardship and protection.

Salimeh Tabrizi, M.Ed

Dr. Kathleen Riley is a biofeedback expert, lecturer, and wellness coach as well as musician, who has woven her expertise into a unique approach for helping patients and clients through muscle biofeedback for chronic pain and discomfort, and heart rate variability biofeedback reducing stress and anxiety. Dr. Riley conducted research at NYU where she worked with biofeedback to retrain musicians and non-musicians from debilitating repetitive stress injuries and performance anxiety. She went on to work with hundreds of patients and musicians in Cleveland, at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute and the Cleveland Institute of Music, where she was on Faculty. Dr. Riley has many certifications in biofeedback training, that include Certified HeartMath® Clinician, Certified HeartMath® Trainer and MyoVision dynamic surface electromyography. She coaches musicians as well as non-musicians around the country and is currently writing a book and conducting further research on the mind/body connection through biofeedback. Dr. Riley is a member of the Performing Arts Medicine Association and the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.

Kathleen Riley, PhD


She is a Canada Research Chair in Computational Technologies for Transforming Pain, and the Founding Director of the Chronic Pain Research Institute and the Pain Studies Lab at Simon Fraser University. Dr. Gromala pioneered the use of immersive virtual reality (VR) for chronic pain and its sequelae, and is investigating the potential roles of VR technology, digital media content and embodiment in discovering the mechanisms of VR’s well-known efficacy in reducing pain

Diane Gromala, BFA, MFA, PhD, Professor and Canada Research Chair (CRC)


He has been practicing Naturopathic Medicine in Vancouver for over 25 years. In this time, he has been considered by his peers to be a natural healing innovator and trail-blazer. He is the founder of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in BC, and a past president of the BC Naturopathic Association. Dr. David has dedicated his life to educating his patients and the public about the power of food as medicine.

David Wang, ND 

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Dr. Lois Nahirney is passionate about creating a healthier world by helping people take power over their health. She has identical twins adopted from Vietnam (one transgender) which led to a fascination in DNA.  She solved years of personal health problems by learning about a simple weakness in her genetic make up, and acquired the company.  She has a doctorate and a master in business and has held a number of international senior executive roles. She has been honoured with several women in business awards and volunteers extensively in the community and overseas. Her vision is to help people make better health decisions and live healthier lives based on their unique DNA.

Dr. Lois Nahirney

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After a decade of working as an environmental educator & health consultant in both government and nonprofit sectors, and managing several environmental projects, I started to see the link between air, water and food contaminated with pesticide, with cancer and chronic illness. I came to realize that people have the power to change and heal themselves, so although I couldn’t get the governments and the industries to stop polluting, I could at least educate people on how to stop polluting themselves. And this is the first step to healing yourself from cancer and chronic disease.

Nicolette Richer


Thomas Greither, the owner and founder of Flora, is a 3rd generation health entrepreneur. His family has always believed that we are all just custodians in this world and nothing truly belongs to us.  It is this belief, that we must live in harmony with nature, which has guided Flora since its inception. This means that Flora products are sourced from nature, utilizing organic and local ingredients whenever possible, and designed to benefit and heal the human body.

Thomas Greither

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I am a Best Selling Author, internationally renowned lecturer, raw food chef and coach. I am the mother to four children, 2 girls and 2 boys. I also have 7 grandchildren. I grew up in Hollywood California. Married at 17 and widowed at 29. I’ve been a vegetarian and vegan for the better part of 40 years. I’ve had an amazingly interesting, fantastic life. I’m a raw food chef, and I tell many stories in my best selling books LIVE RAW and LIVE RAW AROUND THE WORLD. My newest book THE ULTIMATE BOOK OF MODERN JUICING released January 2015 will interest anyone who wants a healthier life.

Mimi Kirk

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Dr. Divi Chandna graduated from family medicine in 1995. After just a few years of practice she started to question the origin of disease. Very quickly after that questioning – she got sick herself. Dr. Divi developed chronic pain, depression, food allergies and more. Her journey back to wellness had her step outside of the medical model and led her to the work she does now. She realized there as a direct connection between her thoughts, emotions and pain. It took time, but as soon as she would move through the emotions of guilt and anger, her pain released. As she allowed herself to move through fear and think and process differently, her gut issues lifted. Dr. Divi went on to train as a professional intuitive coach. Now, she works as an intuitive Mind Body Spirit Coach. She uses intuition and her understanding in neuroscience to help people shift their thoughts and emotions. As her clients do this work, they are able to shift emotionally and truly heal. Dr. Divi also teaches people how to do what she does.

Dr. Divi Chandna

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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